Oak Grove Elementary

Dekalb County Schools

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Annual Verification-Complete Now
Please complete the annual verification today! For more information see the article or DCSD website.
Pre-K Lottery Information
Check your email for information about lottery information! 
Pre-K Lottery Information
This link will take the parents/stakeholders directly to the lottery platform for the 2024-2025 PreK3/PreK application.



Please click here for more information. 
Click Below for DCSD's Parent Checklist from the Back-to-School Web Page.
Click here. Note: this page did not properly load in Safari.  Please try another browser.
OGE Registration Information
Stay tuned!
The Cognia Accreditation Renewal Stakeholder Feedback Surveys Are Now Available
The Cognia Accreditation Renewal Stakeholder Feedback Surveys are now available for DeKalb County School District (DCSD) stakeholders to provide their feedback.  The results of these surveys, along with other stakeholder artifacts will be used in the district’s accreditation renewal process.
Cognia STEM Certified
AdvancED is now Cognia.  Same certification, different name!