Oak Grove Elementary

Dekalb County Schools

Fall Festival is coming!

Fall Festival Information
Save the Date! November 7th!Please join the Oak Grove's 5th Grade Class of
2015 as they host anafternoonof fun, games and prizes!
November 7th, 2:45-4:30 at Oak Grove Elementary

Admission: Each child must have a wristband to participate in thefestival.
Pre-purchased wristbands will be delivered to your child'steacher the day
of the festival. Each wristband will cost $10 andentitles the participants
to all games, bouncy and two concessionsitems. Water will be provided free
of charge.

5th grade students do not need to purchase a wristband, as they will be
working the event.

Dismissal: Parents will wait in the cafeteria after regular dismissaluntil
their child's grade has been called. They will then proceed totheir
child's room to pick up their child and their wristbands.

Students not attending Fall Festival will follow the regular dismissal
2:20-2:30Regular dismissal for walkers and bus riders NOT attending Fall
Festival2:35Fall Festival parents admitted to cafeteria to wait for
student dismissal2:45Pre-K and K Festival-goers dismissed2:501st & 2nd
grade Festival-goers dismissed2:553rd & 4th grade Festival-goers
dismissedIt is important to arrive on time. Students going to the
festivalbut not picked up by 2:55 pm will be sent to our
after-schoolextended day program where a $15 drop-in fee will be charged.

All grades should leave their backpacks along the wall in the hallway
outside their classroom.

Parking:Do not park on Oak Grove Road.Please use Oak Grove United
Methodist Church back parking lot. The side lot of the school will be
closed for the festival and there will be limited parking on campus.
Please be respectful of our surrounding neighbors.

Permission slips were sent home on Friday in the students' communicators.
Please click hereif you need another copy.